There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about An lagh agus eucoir (The law and crime). Let’s look at some of them again in context.
eucoir ghràineil
a heinous crime
cò bhios a–muigh agus a’ briseadh an lagh
who is out and breaking the law
Thàinig iad dha ionnsaigh
They came towards him
fo bhuaidh na dighe
under the influence of drink
dearg mhèirleach
a notorious thief
sgìre bhochd
poor area
chaidh a chur an sàs le paca mhèirleach
was involved with (apprenticed to) a gang of thieves.
Tha truas agam ris
I feel sorry for him
adhbharan airson eucoir
causes of crime
bochdainn, droch thogail
poverty, poor upbringing
cion fèin–mhisneachd
lack of self–esteem/self–confidence
deoch–làidir agus mì–chleachdadh dhrogaichean
alcohol(ism) and drug abuse
security cameras (CCTV)
Cùirt an t–Siorraim
(the) Sheriff Court
Àrd–chùirt a’ Cheartais
(the) High Court (of Justiciary)
eucoir ainneartach
violent crime
not guilty
gun dearbhadh
not proven
penalty, punishment
We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.