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Rinneadh eucoir ghràineil

A heinous crime was committed

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Rinneadh eucoir ghràineil anns a’ bhaile–mhòr aig an deireadh–sheachdain. Chuala mi mu dheidhinn fhad ‘s a bha mi a–muigh. A heinous crime was committed in the city at the weekend. I heard about it while I was out.
An robh thu fhèin ceart gu leòr? Were you alright?
Och bha. Tha am poileas gu math eòlach air cò bhios a–muigh agus a’ briseadh an lagh air na sràidean sin. Thàinig iad dha ionnsaigh sa bhad. Oh yes. The police know very well who is out and breaking the law on those streets. They came towards him immediately.
Dè an eucoir a bh’ ann? What was the crime?
‘S e sabaid a bh’ ann eadar dithis a bha fo bhuaidh na dighe, dearg mhèirleach agus fear òg—balach. Thogadh am balach ann an sgìre bhochd agus chaidh a chur an sàs le paca mhèirleach. Cha b’ e dearg mhèirleach a bh’ ann ach a–nis … cò aige a tha fios dè thachras dha. It was a fight between two people who were under the influence of drink, a notorious thief and a young man- a boy. The boy was raised in a poor area and got involved with a gang of thieves. He was not a notorious thief but now … who knows what will happen to him.
Tha truas agam ris, gu ìre. Tha na h–adhbharan airson eucoir iomadh fhillte, nach eil? I feel sorry for him, to an extent/degree. The causes of crime are complicated, aren’t they?
Tha gu dearbh. Tha bochdainn, droch thogail agus cion fèin–mhisneachd ann … They are indeed. There is poverty, poor upbringing and lack of self–confidence …
Agus dè mu dheidhinn nan rudan as miosa (nam bheachd–sa, co–dhiù): deoch–làidir agus mì–chleachdadh dhrogaichean? And what about the worst things (in my opinion, anyway): alcohol(ism) and drug abuse?
Sin agad e. Cha bhi a’ chùirt cho cuideachail no cho tuigseach. Bidh a h–uile nì a thachair air camarathan–tèarainteachd (CCTV), cuiridh mi geall. That’s it. The court will not be as helpful or as understanding. Everything that happened will be on CCTV, I bet.
Bidh. Chuala mi gum bi e a’ nochdadh sa chùirt Diluain sa tighinn. Agus chan ann ann an Cùirt an t–Siorraim a nochdas e, ach Àrd–chùirt a’ Cheartais leis gur e eucoir ainneartach a bh’ ann. Yes. I heard that he will appear in court next Monday. And it won’t be in the Sheriff Court he’ll be appearing, but the High Court of Justiciary because it was a violent crime.
O mo chreach! Tha siud dona. ‘S cinnteach gum bi e air a dhìteadh leis an fhianais camarathan–tèarainteachd (CCTV)? Oh my goodness! That is bad. Surely he will be convicted by the evidence of security cameras (CCTV)?
Cò aige a tha fios! Tha sin an urra ris an diùraidh: ciontach no neo–chiontach, no gun dearbhadh—an co–dhùnadh Albannach, mar a their iad! Who knows! That’s up to the jury: guilty or not guilty, or not proven—the Scottish verdict, as they say!
Ach bidh iad a’ cur às do ‘gun dearbhadh’ a dh’aithghearr, nach bi? But they’ll be doing away with ‘not proven’ soon, won’t they?
Bidh. Agus tha amharas agam nach fhaigh am balach às. ‘S e peanas mòr a bhios roimhe. Yes. And I suspect the boy won’t get away with it. He can expect a big penalty.