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Bilingual transcription: Turasachd

Bilingual transcription: Tourism

MAIRSILI: Tha sinne a’ dèanamh balgam dhan sgioba glanaidh. A bheil cofaidh ceart gu leòr?

We’re making a drink for the cleaning team. Is coffee okay?

SEONAG: Cofaidh le bainne mas e do thoil e. Dè na….

Coffee with milk please. How much…

MAIRSILI :Na gabhaibh dragh. Air ar slighe a-mach, far pàirce nan càraichean, chì sibh a’ bhan againn. Faodar sgillinn no dhà fhàgail anns a’ bhucas.

Don’t worry. On your way out, just off the carpark, you’ll see our van. You can leave a couple of pence in the box.

SEONAG: Nì mi sin.

I’ll do that.

MAIRSILI: Tha sibh air a bhith trang. Cò às a thàinig na tha seo de sgudal?

You’ve been busy. Where has all this rubbish come from?

SEONAG: Tha tòrr a‘ tighinn bhon abhainn shìos an sin. Bidh daoine a’ tighinn chun na h-aibhne, a choiseachd, a ghabhail cuirm-chnuic… Chithear iad a’ dol chun nan gàrraidhean agus chun an taighe-tasgaidh. ’S e àite brèagha a th’ ann.

A lot comes from the river down there/ People come to the river, to walk, to have a picnic… you can see them going to the gardens and to the museum. It’s a lovely place.

MAIRSILI: Chan eil sin cho brèagha!

That’s not as lovely!

SEONAG: Chan eil. Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn carson a bhios daoine a’ tilgeil sgudail air falbh.

No. I don’t understand why people throw rubbish away.

MAIRSILI: Bidh sin gam fhàgail cho fiadhaich. Bha trioblaidean mòra ann an Leòdhas rè a’ ghlasaidh-sluaigh. Cha robh gu leòr ghoireasan ann dhan an luchd-turais agus bha daoine a’ fàgail ultaichean sgudail às an dèidh.

It leaves me so angry. There were huge problems in Lewis during lockdown. There weren’t enough facilities for tourists and people were leaving loads of rubbish behind.

SEONAG: Tha thu glè cheart. O, is mise Seonag.

You’re right. I’m Seonag.

MAIRSILI: Haidh, is mise Mairsili. Tha e doirbh nuair a tha turasachd cho cudromach; gheibhear tòrr buannachd às ge-tà. ‘S ann à Leòdhas a tha mi bho thùs.

Hi, I’m Mairsili. It’s difficult when tourism is so important, and there are so many benefits from it. I’m originally from Lewis.

SEONAG: ‘S ann às an Eilean Sgitheanach a tha mise. Agus tha thu glè cheart, a Mhairsili. Tha an eaconomaidh cho mòr an urra ri turasachd ann an cuid de sgìrean. Tha e a’ cruthachadh obraichean agus chithear sin.

I’m from the Isle of Skye. And you’re quite right Mairsili. The economy is so tied to tourism in many areas. It creates work and that’s very visible.

MAIRSILI: Tha taigh-òsta beag aig mo bhràthair far an rathaid ann an Calanais. Tha e trang gu leòr rè an t-samhraidh, ach glè shàmhach rè a’ gheamhraidh.

My brother has a small hotel just off the road in Calanish. It’s busy enough during the summer, but quite quiet during the winter.

SEONAG: An e seo an obair a th’ agad fhèin?

Is this your job?

MAIRSILI: Seo? Oh chan e. ’S e carthannas a th’ anns na Caraidean Sràide. Bidh mi ag obair gu saor-thoileach dhaibh. Bidh sinn a’ dol chun na Ceàrnaige agus a’ toirt bìdh do dhaoine gun dachaigh.

This? No. The Street Friends are a charity. I volunteer for them. We go to the Square and provide food for the homeless.

SEONAG: Bidh fàilte mhòr romhaibh an sin.

You’ll be very welcome there.

MAIRSILI: Oh Bidh. Bidh sinn a’ deasachadh bìdh dhaibh agus a’ togail airgid ann an àiteachan mar seo. Gheibhear tòrr taic bho na daoine còire a bhios an seo.

We prepare food for them and we raise money in places like this. You can get a lot of support from the kind people who are here.

SEONAG: Thìg chun an lot agamsa. Rè nam mìosan seo gu h-àraidh, tha pailteas de mheasan is ghlasraich ann. Bidh mi toilichte na th’ agam a thoirt dhuibh. Tha e faisg air Ionad ùr na Gàidhlig.

Come to my allotment. During these months especially, there’s loads of fruit and veg. I’d be happy to give you what I have. It’s not far from the new Gaelic Hub.

MAIRSILI: Tha mi air a bhith mu thimcheall an sin turas no dhà.

I’ve been around there once or twice.

SEONAG: Uill, ma thèid thu gu ceann na sràide sin chì thu slighe chumhang. Tha coimhearsnachd a’ fàs stuth shìos an sin. Chì thu soidhne – An Lot Bheag – sin an gàrradh agamsa.

Well if you go to the end of the street, you’ll see a narrow path. The community grows stuff down there. You’ll see a sign, The Small Allotment – that’s my garden.

MAIRSILI: Tapadh leibhse agus seo dhuibhse… bileag mu na Caraidean Sràide.

Thank you and here you go… a flyer about the Street Friends.