
Dualchas - Dèanta! Heritage - Dèanta!

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

You’ve earned 14697214 points

sg-star +14697214

Snasail! Sàr obair!

You should now be confident in the following:

  • a bhith eòlach air sgeulachdan/stòiridhean is caractaran traidiseanta | being familiar with traditional stories and characters
  • a’ fosgladh agus ag innse sgeulachd/stòiridh | introducing and telling a story
  • a’ tuigsinn agus a’ cleachdadh abairtean gnàthasach | understanding and using common idiomatic phrases
  • a bhith eòlach air creideamhan is saobh‑chràbhaidhean cumanta traidiseanta | being familiar with common traditional beliefs and superstitions


Check out the programme Foghlam on the BBC iPlayer or download the BBC Sounds podcast Foghlam to learn on the go.
Let’s build on what we’ve learnt and move on to Turasachd (Tourism).

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