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Bilingual transcription: Uair a bha siud …

Bilingual transcription: Once upon a time …

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


Aig cridhe cha mhòr a h‑uile dualchas tha sgeulachdan agus gnàthasan‑cainnte.

A very descriptive word for storytelling is seanchas, seanchas.

If you’re telling stories, you can begin with:

Once upon a time, O chionn fhada/an t‑saoghail … O chionn fhada an t‑saoghail.

Or, alternatively, you can say:

Uair a bha siud … Uair a bha siud.

And to round your story off, it’s:

Agus sin/mar a chuala mise i. Agus sin mar a chuala mise i.