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Bilingual transcription: Càirdeas teaghlaich

Bilingual transcription: Family relationships

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.

Nise, aon rud a tha cudromach ann an dualchas nan Gàidheal, sin càirdeas teaghlaich, family relationships, càirdeas teaghlaich

As we found out earlier in this series, the word sloinneadh, sloinneadh can mean patronymic but also surname, and whilst these may appear similar, they’re not the same.

A good example of some of the intricacies you may encounter is that although people may refer to the anglicised version of antaidh, aunt or uncail, uncle, they’re also likely to define that càirdeas more specifically, mar eisimpleir:

bràthair mo mhàthar, literally my mother’s brother, which means my uncle, bràthair mo mhàthar.

And continuing in the same vein:

nighean mo pheathar, literally my sister’s daughter, means my niece, nighean mo pheathar.

Finally, another commonly used word you’ll hear in relation to seanchas and dualchas is tòimhseachain, riddles, tòimhseachain.