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Bilingual transcription: Ri

Bilingual transcription: When it was

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.

The preposition ri is found in lots of different Gaelic phrases.

We have còmhla ri, ‘along with’: An tig thu còmhla rium?

Not to be confused with coltach ri, ‘similar to, like’: A bheil am film coltach ris an leabhar?

Ri is used in similes, for example: cho maol ri ugh, as bald as an egg, or cho faoin ris na faoileagan, as silly as the seagulls.

Look out for the use of ri with Tha and a verbal noun: Tha tòrr ri dhèanamh

There’s plenty needing done.

Chan eil mòran ri ràdh.

There’s not much to be said.

And ri is used with some common verbs. Talking to somebody, Bha mi a’ bruidhinn ri do mhàthair

saying something to someone: Thuirt iad risan tidsear gun robh iad sgìth,

and listening to something: Bidh sinn ag èisteachd ris na naidheachdan air Radio nan Gàidheal

Ri is also used when you enjoy something, literally it ‘accords with you’, a’ còrdadh ri: Tha e a’ còrdadh rium, I like it, I’m enjoying it.