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Bilingual transcription: Slat-iasgaich

Bilingual transcription: Fishing rod

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


Abair cuairt agus sinn a’ bruidhinn mu eileanan.

To ask when the ferry sails it’s:

Cuin a bhios i/a’ seòladh? Cuin a bhios i a’ seòladh?

And when will she arrive, because boats are always referred to as feminine:

Cuin a ruigeas i? Cuin a ruigeas i?

You can go fishing in a number of different ways. In a small boat:

eathar, eathar

With a fishing rod. Le:

slat‑iasgaich, slat‑iasgaich

Or with a handline. Le: dorgh, dorgh.