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Read this extract which comes from the BBC website: Naidheachdan.
Don’t worry if this seems difficult at first. ‘S e an cleachdadh a nì teòma—practice makes perfect!
Choisinn Orla Ní Eadhra, 18, à Inbhir Nis a’ chiad duais airson dealbhadairean bhon Rìoghachd Aonaichte aig farpais ‘Junk Kouture’ ann an Abu Dhabi. ‘S e farpais a th’ ann do dhealbhadairean aodach a dhèanamh à stuthan ath–chuairtichte.
‘S e ‘Jump for Joy’ ainm an dreasa a rinn Orla à seann ‘trampoline’ agus pàipearan suiteis agus chaidh a thaghadh mar thè de dheich bho fharpais na Rìoghachd Aonaichte.
Bha Orla agus na farpaisich Bhreatannach am measg 60 farpaiseach a fhuair troimhe gu cuirm cuairt dheireannach na cruinne a chaidh a chumail ann an Abu Dhabi.
Bha beagan connspaid mun dreasa agus a’ mhaise–ghnùis aig Orla ge–tà air an robh cumadh agus dathan na bogha–froise – suaicheantas a bhios a’ choimhearsnachd LGBD a’ cleachdadh.
A’ bruidhinn air Aithris na Maidne air Radio nan Gàidheal, thuirt a h–athair, Brian: ‘Dà uair mus robh i gu bhith a’ dol air an àrd–ùrlar thàinig teachdaireachd thuice gun do rinn ùghdarrasan Abu Dhabi co–dhùnadh nach robh an dreasa aice freagarrach airson na farpais leis gun robh nàdar de bhogha–frois air agus cuideachd air a’ mhaise–ghnùis aice, agus gun robh aice ri sin atharrachadh mus deigheadh i air an àrd–ùrlar.
Bha an sgioba troimh–chèile mun seo ach tha Orla fìor mhath air beulaibh rudan dùbhlanach mar seo agus dh’atharraich i an dreasa aice agus dh’atharraich i a’ mhaise–gnùis aice, ach aig deireadh na cùise bhuannaich i co–dhiù.’
Thuirt Brian nach e co–dhùnadh na feadhainn air cùl ‘Junk Kouture’ a bha seo idir agus gun robh iad fhèin a cheart cho mì–thoilichte le seasamh ùghdarrasan Abu Dhabi.
dealbhadair (m)
àrd–ùrlar (m)
maise–gnùis (f)
make–up, cosmetics
a’ chuairt dheireannach (f)
the final
Now read the English. How did you get on?
Orla Ní Eadhra, 18, from Inverness has won first prize for dealbhadairean (designers) from the United Kingdom at the ‘Junk Kouture’ competition in Abu Dhabi. It is a competition for designers to make clothes from recycled material/stuff.
‘Jump for Joy’ is the name of the dress Orla made from an old trampoline and sweetie wrappers and it was chosen as one of ten from the United Kingdom competition.
Orla and the British competitors were among 60 competitors who got through to cuirm cuairt dheireannach na cruinne the world final event which was held in Abu Dhabi.
There was some controversy about the dress and Orla’s maise–gnùis (make–up) which had the shape and the colours of the rainbow—a symbol which the LGBT community use.
Talking on Aithris na Maidne on Radio nan Gàidheal, her father Brian said: Twice before she was going to be on the àrd–ùrlar (stage) a message came to her that the authorities in Abu Dhabi had decided that her dress wasn’t appropriate for the competition because there was a kind of rainbow on it and also on her make–up, and that she had to change that before she could go on the stage.
The team were upset about this but Orla is really good in the face of challenging things like this and she changed her dress and she changed her make–up, but in the end she won anyway.’
Brian said that this wasn’t the decision of those behind ‘Junk Kouture’ at all and that they were just as displeased with the stance of the authorities in Abu Dhabi.