Complete for 2 points

Beachdan làidir

Strong opinions

Many people are full of opinions about clothes and the fashion industry. Here we’ll be considering fashion and the places where we buy our clothes. We’ll start with a short conversation.

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking/learning friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

You can use these questions to think about or have a conversation about fashion. Siuthad!

A bheil far an deach an t–aodach agad a dhèanamh cudromach dhut?

Is where clothes are made important to you?

Am bi thu a’ smaoineachadh air cothromachd no air an àrainneachd nuair a bhios tu a’ ceannach aodach?

Do you think about cothromachd (fairness) or an àrainneachd (the environment) when you buy clothes?

A bheil thu eòlach air companaidh sam bith aig nach eil cliù math anns a’ ghnìomhachas fhasain a thaobh cothromachd no a thaobh na h–àrainneachd?

Do you know any company which doesn’t have a good reputation in the fashion industry for fairness or the environment?