What did you do in the town?
Dè rinn thu anns a' bhaile?
This conversation was all about looking back on what Anne and John did on their day anns a' bhaile (in the town). We saw and heard examples in the past tense of all of the ten irregular verbs, as well as a few regular verbs. Let's start with the regular verbs.
Choinnich sinn ri Fionnlagh … anns a' cheàrnaig.
We met Finlay … in the square.
An do cheannaich thu nì sam bith dhut fhèin …?
Did you buy anything for yourself …?
Cheannaich mi lèine-t ùr.
I bought a new t-shirt.
And there were many examples of irregular verbs in the past tense. There's quite a lot here, but we will return to this conversation later.
Chaidh mi a-steach dhan bhaile.
I went into the town.
Thàinig Iain còmhla rium.
John came with me.
Rug sinn air a' bhus aig seachd.
We caught the bus at seven.
Ràinig sinn am baile.
We arrived at the bus station.
Rinn Iain seisean aig an ionad-spòrs
John did a session at the sports centre
mus deach sinn dhan taigh-thasgaidh.
before we went to the museum.
Dè chunnaic sibh anns an taigh-thasgaidh?
What did you see at the museum?
Chunnaic sinn an taisbeanadh
We saw the exhibition.
Am faca tu an taisbeanadh sin?
Did you see that exhibition?
Chan fhaca.
I didn't (see it).
Chuala mi bho charaid gu bheil e iongantach.
I heard from a friend that it's amazing.
Thug e dhomh tiocaid airson a dhol ann.
He gave me a ticket to go there.
Cha d' fhuair mi an ùine fhathast.
I haven't had the time yet.
An deach sibh còmhla ris?
Did you go with him?
Cha deach.
We didn't (go).
Chaidh mi a steach don bhùth.
I went into the shop.
Thuirt mi ri Fionnlagh gun robh …
I said to Finlay that …
Cha tuirt e facal.
He didn't say anything.
Dè rinn sibh an uair sin?
What did you do then?
Chaidh sinn a steach dhan taigh-òsta.
We went into the hotel.