
Foghlam - Dèanta! Education - Complete!

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

You’ve earned 14312356 points

sg-star +14312356

Snasail! Sàr obair!

You should now be confident in the following:

  • a’ beachdachadh air an fhoghlam is an ionnsachadh agad fhèin | considering your own education and learning
    ag ràdh carson a b’ fheàrr leat ionnsachadh ann an aon dòigh seach dòigh eile | saying why you prefer to learn in one way rather than another
  • ag èisteachd ri beachdan dhaoine eile is freagairt a thoirt dhaibh | listening to other people’s ideas and responding to them
  • a’ tuigsinn brìgh deasbaid air ionnsachadh, is a’ cur do bheachd ris an deasbad | understanding the meaning of a debate or discussion on learning, and adding your opinion to the discussion
  • a’ measadh diofar bheachdan is a’ dèanamh co-dhùnadh orra | evaluating different ideas and make decisions about them

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