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Fèisean ann an Alba

Festivals in Scotland

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Bha mi a’ leughadh fìor dheagh artaigil an–diugh mu fhèisean ann an Alba. I was reading a very good article today about festivals in Scotland.
Bidh tòrr fhèisean a’ tachairt rè an t–samhraidh. Bidh daoine bho air feadh an t–saoghail a’ tighinn chun nam fèisean gach bliadhna. Many festivals take place during the summer. People from all over the world come to the festivals every year.
Chòrd an leabhar ùr aig Anna rium. Bhiodh e math a faicinn–se aig fèis leabhraichean uaireigin. I loved Anna’s new book. It would be great to see her at a book festival sometime.
Bhiodh gu dearbh. O, seo i fhèin a’ tighinn air–loidhne. Halò, Anna. Tha sinn aig taigh Màiri an–dràsta. Dè tha dol? It would indeed. Oh, here she comes online. Hallo, Anna. We’re at Màiri’s house just now. What’s up?
Feumaidh tu mo thogail sa bhad! Duilich! An urrainn dhut mo thogail an–dràsta fhèin, mas e do thoil e? You must pick me up immediately! Sorry! Can you pick me up right now, please?
‘S urrainn gu dearbh. Dè tha ceàrr? Of course I can. What’s the matter?
Thachair droch thubaist rium. Uill, thachair droch thubaist ris a’ chàr agam. Tha mi air mo rathad chun na Fèise—Fèis Eadar–nàiseanta Leabhraichean Dhùn Èideann. Tha agam ri òraid a thoirt seachad mun leabhar ùr agam. I had a bad accident. Well, my car had a bad accident. I’m on my way to the Festival—the Edinburgh International Book Festival. I have to give a talk about my new book.
Cha do dh’innis thu dhuinn! ‘S e sàr leabhar a th’ ann, agus ‘s e sàr–sgrìobhadair a th’ annad. You didn’t tell us! It is an excellent book, and you are an excellent writer.
Ò nach buidhe dhut, Anna! Oh lucky you (aren’t you lucky), Anna!
Cha bhuidhe dhomhsa an–dràsta le càr briste! Mura faigh mi ann ro cheithir, gheibh cuideigin eile m’ àite–sa. Sin a thuirt iad rium! I am not lucky right now with a broken car! If I don’t get there before four, someone else will get my place. That’s what they told me!
Na gabh dragh! Chan eil againn ri an creidsinn–san. Tha mi toilichte do chuideachadh–sa leis an duilgheadas agad. Don’t worry! We don’t have to believe them. I am happy to help you with your problem.
‘S e òraid air leth a bhios ann! Iain, an urrainn dhut mo thogail–sa cuideachd, mas e do thoil? Tha mi airson a dhol ann cuideachd! It will be a great talk! John, can you pick me up too, please? I want to go (there) as well!