Bilingual transcription: A longer one

Bilingual transcription: Tè nas fhaide

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


Tha am preas–aodaich , wardrobe, am preas–aodaich againn làn a–nise agus seo cuid de na dh'ionnsaich sinn.

If you need a smaller sized jumper, because a geansaidh is masculine, you say:

Feumaidh mi/fear nas lugha, feumaidh mi fear nas lugha.

And if you need to try on a longer pair of trousers with briogais being both feminine and singular it’s:

Feumaidh mi/tè nas fhaide, feumaidh mi tè nas fhaide.

To ask if something suits you, use the phrase:

 a' tighinn rium? A' tighinn rium.

To ask someone to take something off, we use: cuir dhìot, cuir dhìot;

And to ask them to put something on, it’s:

cuir ort , cuir ort.

And finally, to clarify whether something is fashionable or not, use: anns an fhasan , anns an fhasan.