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Read this extract twice. There are particular expressions related to fasan luath (fast fashion).
An cuala tu riamh mu fhasan luath? ‘S e seo nuair a bhios daoine a’ dèanamh aodach uabhasach saor agus gun chàileachd mhath. Bidh an t–aodach seo ga reic ann am mòr–bhùithtean agus tha iomadh companaidh ainmeil a’ ceannach is a’ reic an t–seòrsa aodaich seo.
Le fasan luath, nuair a bhios am pìos aodaich às an fhasan no ma bhios an lèine no a’ bhriogais air an caitheamh ri cleachdadh, bidh daoine a’ faighinn cuidhteas iad cho luath ‘s a bhios iad gan ceannach. Chan eil an gnìomhachas seo math airson na h–àrainneachd no cothromachd. A bharrachd air seo, cha bhi fios aig na daoine a tha gan ceannach cò às a thàinig an t–aodach a cheannaich iad agus mar sin, cha bhi iad a’ smaoineachadh air a’ chron a tha an t–aodach seo a’ dèanamh. Ach a bheil an suidheachadh seo ag atharrachadh a–nis?
càileachd mhath
good quality
caith ____ ri cleachdadh
wear ____ out with use
faigh cuidhteas
get rid of
cothromachd (f)
an suidheachadh
the situation
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Have you ever heard of fasan luath (fast fashion)? This is when/where people make clothes extremely cheap [inexpensive] and without càileachd math (good quality). These clothes are sold in supermarkets/superstores and many well–known companies buy and sell this kind of clothing.
With fast fashion, when a piece of clothing is out of fashion or if a shirt or pair of trousers are air an caitheamh ri cleachdadh ( worn out with use), people are a’ faighinn cuidhteas iad (getting rid of them) as quickly as they buy them. This industry isn’t good for the environment or cothromachd (fairness). In addition to this, people who’re buying them don’t know where the clothes they are buying have come from and so they don’t think about the damage these clothes are doing. But is the suidheachadh (situation) changing now?
Am bi thu fhèin a’ smaoineachadh mu cò às a thig an t–aodach a cheannaicheas tu?
Do you yourself think about where the clothing/clothes you buy come from?
Am bi thu a’ faighinn cuidhteas aodach cho luath ‘s a bhios rudeigin ceàrr air no ma thèid e às an fhasan?
Do you ged rid of clothing as soon as there is something wrong with it or it goes out of fashion?
Dè do bheachd air an t–suidheachadh seo?
What do you think of this situation?
A bheil e ag atharrachadh a–nis?
Is it changing now?