

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Beatha air an dùthaich (Life in the countryside) . Let's look at some of them again in context.

na monaidhean fo fhraoch
the moors carpeted with/under heather
na dailtean fo dhìtheanan
the meadows covered in daisies/flowers
na craobhan fo blàth
the trees in bloom
Chan eil buileach!
Not quite!
na h–achaidhean fo bhàrr
the fields under crop(s)
an talamh–ionaltraidh fo chaoraich
the pasture under sheep
na tobhtaichean fo fheanntag
the ruins covered in nettles
equipment, tools, harness (horse)
a' càradh an rathaid
repairing the road
obair chruaidh gun duais
hard, thankless work
na ghurraban
crouching down
cho cabhagach ri
as urgent as
mañana (Spàinntis)
bha e na thost
he was silent (‘in his silence’)
duine glic
wise man
nan cabhag
in a (‘their’) hurry
nan èiginn
ro mhodhail
too polite

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.