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Complete for 2 points



Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

Use the questions below to have a conversation.

Try to use some of the vocabulary, idioms and grammar points we learned in this Cuspair.

It’s well worth opening another tab in your browser to do this, if you can.

A bheilear a’ cosg cus airgid air bainnsean san latha an–diugh?

Is too much money spent on weddings in this day and age?

A bheil airgead ro chudromach ann am fèisean san latha an–diugh?

Is money too important in festivals in this day and age?

A bheil teaghlach agus coimhearsnachd a cheart cho cudromach ’s a bha iad a–riamh?

Are family and community just as important as they ever were?

A bheil e cudromach seann traidiseanan a chumail suas?

Is it important to maintain old traditions/customs?

A bheil fèilltean air atharrachadh gu mòr bho linn ar seann–phàrantan?

Have festivals changed much since our grandparents’ time?