Complete for 2 points

Teicneòlas glic

Smart technology

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Seall seo! Tha uaireadair ùr agam—uaireadair glic! Look at this. I have a new watch—a smart watch!
Abair e! ‘S e uaireadair glic agus spaideil a th’ ann! Wow. It’s a a smart [clever] watch and a smart [stylish] watch!
‘S e tìodhlac Nollaige a bh’ ann; cha ruig orm a leithid de rud! It was a Christmas present; I couldn’t afford such a thing!
Saoilidh mi gu bheil an teicneòlas so–ghiùlan cho goireasach. Agus ‘s toigh leam an dath. I think portable technology is so convenient. And I like the colour.
Thig sin leis a’ chàr bheag bhuidhe dealain agam! An ceannaicheadh tusa fear? That will go with my little yellow electric car! Would you buy one?
Uaireadair glic no càr dealain?! A smartwatch or an electric car?!
Càr dealain! No do thoil fhèin! An electric car! Or you choose!
Uill, saoilidh mi gu bheil an teicneòlas seo uabhasach daor fhathast—càraichean agus uaireadairean glice. Well, I think that this technology is terribly dear [expensive] still—cars and watches.
Chan eil a h–uile cleas–uidheam glic daor. Not all smart gadgets are dear.
Cò air a tha thu a–mach? What are you on about [talking about]?
Mar eisimpleir, am faigh thu an t–eadar–lìon air an telebhisean agad? Well, for example, do you get the internet on your television?
Gheibh! Gheibh mi iPlayer (a’ BhBC) le BBC Alba agus Radio nan Gàidheal air. Agus cha robh an telebhisean sin uabhasach daor. I do (get)! I get (BBC) iPlayer with BBC Alba and Radio nan Gàidheal on it. And that television wasn’t terribly dear.
Glè mhath! Cò a thuirt gum biodh 500 sianal làn sgudail? Nise, a bheil fòn–làimhe glic agad? Very good! Who said that 500 channels would be full of rubbish? Now, do you have a smartphone?
Nach eil fhios agad gu bheil! Cha do chosg sin cus a chionn ‘s gur e fòn–làimhe ath–làimhe a th’ ann! Gheibh mi puist–d, na meadhanan sòisealta agus pod–chraolaidhean uair sam bith agus saor ‘s an-asgaidh. Tha mi air mo mhilleadh leis! Don’t you know that I do! That didn’t cost too much because it’s a second–hand phone! I get email, social media and podcasts, anytime and for free. I’m spoilt with it!
Sin agad e! ‘S e sin a bha mi a’ ciallachadh! There you are! That’s what I was meaning!