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Complete for 2 points

Gnàthasan–cainnte roimhearach le ÀS — Dèanta! 

Prepositional idioms with ÀS - Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:  

  • using prepositional idioms with ÀS | gnàthasancainnte roimhearach le ÀS 

You should also be confident about:  

  • riochdairean roimhearach: ÀS arithist | prepositional pronouns: ÀS again 

Anabarrach math! 

You have learnt to talk about gnàthasancainnte roimhearach le ÀS (prepositional idioms with ÀS) in Gaelic! Why not take this minitest to see how well you’re doing?

Let’s do it

Maybe later Loading

Why not move on to talk about A’ ceannach is a’ reic thaighean (Finding a place to stay)?