Getting better

A' dol am feabhas

We saw some of the adjectives anns a' cheum bhuadhach (in the qualitative degree) in B1 Cuspair 12 and 25 : (a' dol am) miosad and (a' dol am) feabhas

We could put other adjectives in the qualitative degree as well, but only some of them are common. 

Look at the adjectives in the table: 

geal gile gilead 
dubh duibhe duibhead 
tiugh tighe tighead 
beag lugha lughad 
mòr motha mothad 


Aon ghlainne, chan fheàirrde 's cha mhiste. Dà ghlainne, 's fheàirrde 's cha mhiste. Trì glainneachan, 's miste 's chan fheàirrde.
One glass, none the better and none the worse (of it). Two glasses, the better and none the worse (of it). Three glasses, the worse and none the better (of it).