Give me your hand.

Thòir dhomh do làmh

The preposition do is after thoir if you want to say that someone is to be given something.

Thoir comhairle do Ruairidh
Give Derek some advice
An toir thu pòg do Ghranaidh?
Will you give a kiss to Granny?
Nach toir thu airgead do Mhàiri?
Won’t you give Mary money?
Cha toir mi cnàimh do Dhìleas
I won’t give Dìleas (Faithful) a bone

Tha preposition do is after thoir if you want to say that someone is to be given something.

dhomh to / for medhòmhsa to / for me
dhut to / for youdhutsa to / for you
dha to / for him / itdhàsan to / for him / it
dhi to / for her / itdhìse to / for her / it
dhuinn to / for usdhuinne to / for us
dhuibh to / for youdhuibhse to / for you
dhaibh to / for themdhaibhsan to / for them
Thoir comhairle dhaibh
Give them advice
An toir thu pòg dhomh?
Will you give me a kiss?
Nach toir thu airgead dha?
Won’t you give him money?
Cha toir mi isbean dhut
I won’t give you a sausage