Asking for a favour

Ag iarraidh fàbhar

There were a whole heap of new structures there. We’ve looked at some of them already, but we will begin to research them in more detail.

An dèan thu fàbhar dhomh?
Will you do me a favour?
Cha dèan. Cha dèan mi dad dhut
I will not. I will do nothing for you
Nach dèan thu rudeigin dhòmhsa?
Will you not do something for me?
I will
An toir thu airgead dhomh?
Will you give me money?
Cha toir
I will not
Nach toir thu not dhomh?
Will you give me a pound?
I will
An tèid thu dhan bhùth an-dràsta
Will you go to the shop right now?
Cha tèid. Thèid mi ann a-màireach
I won’t go. I will go tomorrow.
Nach tèid mi ann còmhla riut?
Won’t I go with you?
I will go
Am faigh thu uisge dhomh?
Will you get me water?
Chan fhaigh. Gheibh thu uisge dhut fhèin
I won’t go. You will get water for yourself
Nach fhaigh mi uisge dhut?
Won’t I get you water?
Am faic thu Granaidh a-nochd?
Will you see Granny tonight?
Chan fhaic. Chì mi m’ athair a-nochd
will not see. I will see my father tonight.
Nach fhaic mise e?
Won’t I see him?
You will see