Bilingual transcription: Environment

Bilingual Transcription: Àrainneachd

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her favourite useful phrases.

This time it's at look back at: environment .


Dh'ionnsaich sinn an t-uabhas anns a' phrògram seo, nach do dh’ionnsaich?

We've learned the expressions for climate change:

atharrachadh / na gnàth-shìde , atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde

and the Gaelic for global warming:

blàthachadh / na cruinne , blathachadh na cruinne

We used the word fàs in a number of contexts – Things will get worse:

Fàsaidh cùisean / nas miosa .  Fàsaidh cùisean nas miosa.

And, Will it get better at all?

Am fàs i / nas fheàrr idir?  Am fàs i nas fheàrr idir?

We also heard some interesting comparisons for describing the weather including  my own favourite: , as wet as a duck's backside, cho fliuch / ri tòn tunnaige . Cho fliuch ri tòn tunnaige.