Complete for 2 points

Eacarsaich chànain: Còmhradh

Language exercise: Conversation

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic-speaking/learning friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

Think about or have a conversation about education. You can use these questions as a guide.

A bheil foghlam san latha an-diugh co-ionann?

Is education today equal?

A bheil na balaich agus na nigheanan a’ faighinn an aon chothruim?

Do the boys and the girls get the same opportunities?

A bheil e co-ionann eadar daoine bochda is daoine beairteach?

Is it the same for poor people and rich people?

Ciamar a tha foghlam san dùthaich seo eadar-dhealaichte bho dhùthchannan eile?

How does education in this country differ from other/foreign countries?

A bheil daoine ann an dùthchannan bochda a’ cur barrachd luach ann am foghlam na tha sinne ann an Alba?

Do people in poor(er) countries place more value on education that we do in Scotland?

Carson a tha thu a’ smaointinn sin?

Why do you think that?

air àrainn an oilthighe

on (university) campus

An deach thu dhan oilthigh no dhan cholaiste?

Did you go to university or college?

Ma chaidh, càit an deach thu?

If you did, where did you go?

Mura deach, am bu toil leat a dhol dhan oilthigh?

If you didn’t, would you like to go to university?

An tug thu a-mach ceum ann an cuspair sònraichte?

Did you take a degree in a particular subject?

Ma thug, dè bh’ ann?

If you did, what was it?

rannsachadh acadaimigeach

academic research

An do fhritheil thu na h-òraidean agad gach latha?

Did you attend your lectures every day?

Mura do fhritheil, carson nach do fhritheil?

If you didn’t attend, why didn’t you attend?

A bheil thu a’ smaoineachadh gun do rinn thu obair gu leòr anns an oilthigh no sa cholaiste?

Do you think you did enough work in university or college?

Mura do rinn, carson nach do rinn thu an obair?

If you didn’t (do), why didn’t you do the work?

An dèanadh tu cùrsa eile aig an oilthigh san àm ri teachd?

Would you take another course at university in future?

Dè dhèanadh tu?

What would you do?

A bheil e nas fheàrr a dhol don oilthigh na preantasachd fhaighinn?

It is better to go to university than to get/do an apprenticeship?