Complete for 2 points

Duilleagan cuimhne

Cheat sheets

Because we are starting a new level, it’s well worth taking doing a little bit of revision as well. There are duilleagan cuimhne (cheat sheets) on the SpeakGaelic website. Why not take a look at the irregular verbs in the different tenses. Siuthad!

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic-speaking/learning friend, you could do this together.

Smaoinich air an ionnsachadh agad fhèin is cuir crìoch air na seantansan seo.
No need to write, just talk (or think)!

Tha mi air a bhith ag ionnsachadh .I have been learning ________.
Tha mi air a bhith ________.I have been ________.
Tha mi air ________ fhaicinn an t-seachdain seo.I have seen ________ this week.
Tha mi air ________a leughadh am-bliadhna.I have read ________.this year.
Chan eil mi air a bhith ________.I haven’t been ________.
Dh’ionnsaich mi ________.I learned ________.
Bha mi ag ionnsachadh ________.I was learning ________.
Bha mi air a bhith ag ionnsachadh ________.I had been learning ________.