LUC: Seo dhut.
Here you go.
MÌCHEAL: Tapadh leat.
Thank you.
LUC: Tapadh leatsa. Tha e doirbh a h-uile rud a dhèanamh leam fhìn.
Thank you. It’s hard to do everything by myself.
MÌCHEAL: Ciamar a tha a’ dol dhut leis an taisbeanadh agad?
How are you getting on with your exhibition?
LUC: Tha mi air toiseach-tòiseachaidh a dhèanamh. ’S e dealbhan dubh is geal a bhios ann, dealbhan camara agus bhidio.
I’ve made a start. It will be black and white photos, stills and video.
MÌCHEAL: A bheil cuspair no ainm agad fhathast?
Do you have a topic or title yet?
LUC: ’S e Muir Is Tìr an t-ainm a bhios air –a’ ghnàth-thìde tro shùil camara.
It will becalled Land and Sea –climate through a camera lens.
MÌCHEAL: Carson a thagh thu an cuspair sin?
Why did you choose that topic?
LUC: Thagh mi e a chionn ’s gu bheil ùidh agam fhìn ann. Agus air sàilleabh ’s gu bheil mi an dòchas gun toir e air daoine smaoineachadh mun àrainneachd. Tha a’ chùis a’ dol am miosad.
I chose it as I’ve got an interest in it myself. I chose it as I hope it encourages people to think about the environment. The situation is getting worse.
MÌCHEAL: Ged a tha e a’ dol am miosad, tha cuid coma. Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn carson nach eil iad fiù ’s a creidsinn ann am blàthachadh na cruinne?
Although it’s getting worse, some don’t care. I don’t understand why they don’t they even believe in global warming?
LUC: Air sgàth ’s nach eil e a’ dèanamh dragh dhaibh gu pearsanta. Neo air eagal ’s gum feum iad na droch chleachdaidhean aca atharrachadh. Chan eil diù a’ choinaig tòrr mun àrainneachd. Seall fhèin sin! Bidh greis ann mus tèid a’ chùis am feabhas.
Because it doesn’t affect them personally. Or in case they have to change their bad habits. Many don’t givea hoot about the environment. Look at that! It will be a while before the situation improves.
MÌCHEAL: Tha sinn a’ cleachdadh nas lugha de phlastaig nach eil? Agus ag ath-chuartachadh gu ìre nas motha.
We’re using less plastic, aren’t we? And recycling more to a larger extent.
LUC: Tha cuid de rudan ann a tha gu math beag ach ma nì sinn uile iad… Nì clachan beaga càrn mòr! Cleachd còmhdhail phoblach. Neo, cleachd baidhsagal no do dhà chòis.
Some things are very small but if we all do them…. Small stones will make a large cairn. Use public transport. Or use a bike or your two feet.
MÌCHEAL: Tha sin nas fhasa do chuid na tha e do chuid eile ge-tà.
That’s easier for some than for others.
LUC: Ith nas lugha de fheòil agus ith barrachd glasraich–tha sin nas fhasa.
Eat less meat and eat more veg. That’s easier.
MÌCHEAL: Carson a bhiodh e feumail nas lugha feòil ithe?
Why would it be beneficial to eat less meat?
LUC: Air sgàth ’s gu bheil crodh agus todhar a’ cruthachadh ghasaichean nach eil math dhan àrainneachd.
Because cattle and manure creates gases that aren’t good for the environment.
MÌCHEAL: Tha iad cuideachd ag iarraidh oirnn biadh ithe a chaidh fhàs no àrach faisg oirnn. Carson a bhiodh sin na bhuannachd dhan àrainneachd?
They also want us to eat food that was grown or reared near us. Why would that benefit the environment?
LUC: Nan tachradh sin, chan fheumadh am biadh siubhal o thaobh eile an t-saoghail, a’ cosg connadh agus a’ truailleadh.
If that happened, the food wouldn’t have to travel from the other side of the world, wasting fuel and polluting.
MÌCHEAL: Tha barrachd dhaoine a’ gabhail ùidh ann a bhith a’ fàs an glasraich fhèin agus tha fios gu bheil sin math.
More people are taking an interest in growing their own vegetables and thatmust be good.
LUC: Bhiodh e na b’ fheàrr nam biodh barrachd dhaoine a’ dèanamh sin. Feumaidh sinn smaoineachadh air ar dòigh-beatha atharrachadh agus ’s e rud mòr, mòr a tha sin dhuinn uile.
It would be better if more people did that. We need to think about changing our lifestyles and that’s a big, big thing for all of us.
MÌCHEAL: Tha aon rud cinnteach.
There’s one thing for sure.
LUC: Dè?
MÌCHEAL: Bidh thusa math air ceistean a fhreagairt aig an taisbeanadh agad.
You’re good at answering questions at your exhibition!