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Read this passage twice.
You’ll find some of the new vocabulary below.
Dè a th’ ann an Nua‑Ealain (Modern Art)?
Thòisich gluasad na nua‑ealain anns na seasgadan san naoidheamh linn deug (1860an) agus chaidh e air adhart suas dha na seachdadan anns an fhicheadamh linn (1970an).
‘S ann le luchd‑ealain mar Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, agus Henri de Toulouse‑Lautrec a thòisich gluasad na nua‑ealain agus chùm dealbhadairean mar Henri Matisse agus Pablo Picasso an gluasad a’ dol.
Ghluais an luchd‑ealain seo air falbh bho na seann dòighean peantaidh agus thòisich iad a’ cluiche le stuthan‑ealain agus cruthan ùra.
A bharrachd air seo, chleachd iad na goireasan teicneòlais ùra bhon àm sin, coltach ris a’ chamara.
Chithear gluasadan beaga cudromach eile taobh a‑staigh nua‑ealain cuideachd, coltach ri Ciùbachas, Eas‑chruthachd agus Minimeileachas.
an naoidheamh linn deug
the nineteenth century
am ficheadamh linn
the twentieth century
gluasad na nua-ealain
the modern art movement
Abstract art [Abstraction]
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What is Nua‑Ealain (Modern Art)?
The Modern Art movement started in the 1860s and it carried forward on until the 1970s.
It was artists such as Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, and Henri de Toulouse‑Lautrec who started gluasad na nua‑ealain (the Modern Art movement) and painters such as Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso kept the movement going.
These artists moved away from the old ways of painting and they started to play with new materials and forms.
In addition to this, they used new technical resources from that time, like the camera.
Other, small important movements can be seen in modern art as well, such as Ciùbachas (Cubism), Eas‑chruthachd (Abstract Art) and Minimeileachas (Minimalism).
Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic‑speaking/learning friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem!
Use some of the new words we’ve learned so far in this lesson and have a conversation, or think, about ealain:
We’ve given you a head start with some questions.
Dè cho tric ‘s a thèid thu gu gailearaidhean ealaine?
How often do you go to art galleries?
Dè do bheachd air nua-ealain? An toil no nach toil leat i?
What do you think of modern art? Do you like or dislike it?
Dè do bheachd air ealain eas-chruthach (abstract art)?
What do you think of abstract art?
Cò an neach-ealain as ainmeile às an dùthaich agad?
Who’s the most famous artist from your country?
Cò an neach-ealain as fheàrr leat às an dùthaich agad?
Who’s your favourite artist from your country?
A bheil obair-ealain cudromach dhut?
Is art work important to you?
An do cheannaich thu dealbh cosgail a-riamh? Ma cheannaich, a bheil e agad fhathast?
Have you ever bought a costly painting? If you did, do you still have it?
A bheil caraid agad a tha nan neach-ealain? Dè seòrsa ealaine a bhios iad a’ dèanamh?
Do you have a friend who is an artist? What kind of art do they do?