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An dàrna turas: Sin fasan luath dhut!

Take two: That's fast fashion for you!

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Bha thu ag ràdh gun robh ceannachd air–loidhne cho goireasach. You were saying that buying online is so convenient.
Bha. Ach uaireannan bidh agad ris an aodach sin a chur air ais dhan bhùth no bidh e air cùl do phreas–aodaich. An uair sin bidh thu a’ faighinn cuidhteas e! I was. But sometimes you have to send the clothes back to the shop or it will be in the back of your wardrobe. Then you’re getting rid of it!
Chan e suidheachadh math a tha sin. Cha do smaoinich mi cus mu dheidhinn roimhe seo! That’s not a good situation. I didn’t think too much about it before now!
Saoil dè bhios sin a’ cosg ann an connadh air ais agus air adhart, ann an lìonadh–talmhainn agus dhan àrainneachd aig a’ cheann thall? What do you think that costs in fuel [transportation] back and forth, in landfill and to the environment in the long run?
Ach tha an dearbh thrioblaid ann leis na mòr–bhùthan a bhios a’ reic an uiread de dh’aodach aig prìsean a bhios fada ro shaor. But there’s the same problem with the supermarkets which sell so many clothes at prices which are far too cheap.
Sin fasan luath dhut! A bheil e cudromach dhut càit an deach an t–aodach a dhèanamh? That’s fast fashion for you! Is it important to you where the clothes were made?
Tha gu dearbh. Ged nach eil e a’ cosg dha do sporan, tha e a’ cosg dhan luchd–obrach thall thairis agus a’ cosg dhan àrainneachd cuideachd. It is indeed. Even though it doesn’t cost your purse, there’s a cost for the workers abroad and there’s a cost to the environment as well.
Am bi thu fhèin a’ smaoineachadh air cothromachd no air an àrainneachd nuair a bhios tu a’ ceannach aodach? Do you yourself think about fairness or the environment when you buy clothes?
Bidh gu dearbh. Mar as trice cha cheannaichinn fasan luath. Ach ma bhios mi ann an cabhaig agus a’ feuchainn ri ball–aodaich a lorg, cheannaichinn rudeigin. Agus an uair sin bhithinn a’ faireachdainn ciontach! I do indeed. Usually I wouldn’t buy fast fashion. But if I am in a rush and trying to find a piece of clothing, I’d buy something. And then I’d feel guilty!
Ach tha fios againn a–nis air a’ chron a bhios fasan luath a’ dèanamh agus air na duilgheadasan a bhios na lùib. But we know now about the damage that fast fashion does and the problems attached to it.
Chan eil na companaidhean a bhios a’ dèanamh agus a’ reic an aodaich seo a’ dìon na h–àrainneachd anns na dùthchannan far a bheil na factaraidhean. The companies which make and sell these clothes don’t protect the environment in the countries where the factories are [situated].
Agus chan eil iad a’ dìon no a’ toirt urram dhan luchd–obrach. Chan eil còraichean no pàigheadh gu leòr aca. Fasan luath nach eil idir luachmhor! And they don’t protect or respect their workforce. They do not have sufficient rights or pay. Fast fashion which is not at all valuable!
Fasan saor—fasan daor! Cheap fashion—expensive fashion.