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Complete for 2 points

Roimhearan fillte agus an tuiseal ginideach

Compound prepositions and the genitive (possessive) case

We learned that we usually have to use an tuiseal ginideach (the genitive (possessive) case) after compound prepositions if a noun comes after them. We saw a geàrr–chunntas (summary) of rules for an tuiseal ginideach (the genitive (possessive) case) in Cuspair 4.

ri taobh na pàirce

beside the park

mu choinneamh an taighe agamsa

opposite my house

os cionn a’ bhuidhinn/na buidhne

in charge of the group

An tog a’ chompanaidh oifis ùr mu choinneamh na h–eaglaise mòire?

Will the company build a new office opposite the big church?

Glanaidh a’ choimhearsnachd an cabhsair ri taobh na mara.

The community will clean the causeway/pavement beside the sea.

Chunnaic Seòras binichean mòra air beulaibh an taighe–chèilidh.

George saw big bins in front of the ceilidh house

Nach coinnich sinn anns a’ chafaidh os cionn na bùtha.

Won’t we meet in the café above the shop?

Go back to Cuspair 4 if you need to look at the rules again. You will need them for the rest of this cuspair.